Source code for text_models.vocabulary

# Copyright 2020 Mario Graff Guerrero

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from collections import defaultdict
from microtc.utils import load_model, Counter
from b4msa.textmodel import TextModel as TM
from microtc.weighting import TFIDF
from microtc.utils import SparseMatrix
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from typing import List, Iterable, OrderedDict, Union, Dict, Any, Tuple
from text_models.utils import download_tokens, handle_day, date_range, TM_ARGS
from os.path import isfile
import re

[docs]class TextModel(TM):
[docs] def text_transformations(self, text): """ >>> tm = TextModel(**TM_ARGS) >>> tm.text_transformations('@user abd') '~abd~' """ txt = super(TextModel, self).text_transformations(text) return re.sub('~+', '~', txt)
[docs]class Vocabulary(object): """ Vocabulary class is used to transform the tokens and their respective frequencies in a Text Model, as well as, to analyze the tokens obtained from tweets collected. This class can be used to replicate some of the Text Models developed for :py:class:`EvoMSA.base.EvoMSA`. :param data: Tokens and their frequencies :type data: str or list :param lang: Language (Ar, En, or Es) :type lang: str :param country: Two letter country code :type country: str :param states: Whether to keep the state or accumulate the information on the country :type states: bool >>> from text_models.vocabulary import Vocabulary >>> day = dict(year=2020, month=2, day=14) >>> voc = Vocabulary(day, lang="En", country="US") """ def __init__(self, data, lang: str="Es", country: str='nogeo', states: bool=False) -> None: self._lang = lang self._country = country self._states = states if isinstance(data, dict) and len(data) > 3: self._data = data elif isinstance(data, str) and isfile(data): self.voc = load_model(data) else: = data self._init(data) if not states: self._n_words = sum([v for k, v in self.voc.items() if k.count("~") == 0]) self._n_bigrams = sum([v for k, v in self.voc.items() if k.count("~")])
[docs] def probability(self): """Transform frequency to a probability""" voc = self.voc for k in voc: num = voc[k] if k.count("~"): den = self._n_bigrams else: den = self._n_words voc[k] = num / den
def _init(self, data): """ Process the :py:attr:`data` to create a :py:class:`microtc.utils.Counter` """ def sum_vocs(vocs): voc = vocs[0] for v in vocs[1:]: voc = voc + v return voc if isinstance(data, list): vocs = [download_tokens(day, lang=self._lang, country=self._country) for day in data] vocs = [load_model(x) for x in vocs] if isinstance(vocs[0], Counter): voc = sum_vocs(vocs) elif not self._states: vocs = [sum_vocs([v for _, v in i]) for i in vocs] voc = sum_vocs(vocs) else: voc = {k: v for k, v in vocs[0]} for v in vocs[1:]: for k, d in v: try: voc[k] = voc[k] + d except KeyError: voc[k] = d self._data = voc else: self.voc = load_model(download_tokens(data, lang=self._lang, country=self._country)) @property def date(self): """ Date obtained from the filename, on multiple files, this is not available. """ return self._date @date.setter def date(self, d): if isinstance(d, list): self._date = None return self._date = handle_day(d) @property def weekday(self): """ Weekday """ return str( @property def voc(self): """Vocabulary, i.e., tokens and their frequencies""" return self._data @voc.setter def voc(self, d): if not isinstance(d, list): self._data = d return if self._states: self._data = {k: v for k, v in d} return aggr = d[0][1] for _, v in d[1:]: aggr = aggr + v self._data = aggr
[docs] def common_words(self, quantile: float=None, bigrams=True): """Words used frequently; these correspond to py:attr:`EvoMSA.base.EvoMSA(B4MSA=True)` In the case quantile is given the these words and bigrams correspond to the most frequent. """ if quantile is None: from EvoMSA.utils import download return load_model(download("" % self._lang)).model.word2id words_N = sum([v for k, v in self.voc.items() if k.count("~") == 0]) score = [[k, v / words_N] for k, v in self.voc.items() if k.count("~") == 0] score.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) cum, k = 0, 0 while cum <= quantile: cum += score[k][1] k += 1 output = [k for k, _ in score[:k]] if bigrams: bigrams_N = sum([v for k, v in self.voc.items() if k.count("~")]) score_bi = [[k, v / bigrams_N] for k, v in self.voc.items() if k.count("~")] score_bi.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) cum, k = 0, 0 while cum <= quantile: cum += score_bi[k][1] k += 1 output += [k for k, _ in score_bi[:k]] return output
@staticmethod def _co_occurrence(word: str, voc: dict) -> dict: D = dict() for k, v in voc.items(): if k.count("~") == 0: continue a, b = k.split("~") if a != word and b != word: continue key = a if a != word else b D[key] = v return D def co_occurrence(self, word: str) -> dict: if self._states: return {k: self._co_occurrence(word, v) for k, v in self.voc.items()} return self._co_occurrence(word, self.voc)
[docs] def day_words(self) -> "Vocabulary": """Words used on the same day of different years""" from datetime import date, datetime hoy = hoy = datetime(year=hoy.year, month=hoy.month, day=hoy.month) L = [] for year in range(2015, hoy.year + 1): try: curr = datetime(year=year,, except ValueError: continue if (curr - == 0: continue try: download_tokens(curr, lang=self._lang, country=self._country) except Exception: continue L.append(curr) if len(L) == 0: return None return self.__class__(L if len(L) > 1 else L[0], lang=self._lang, country=self._country, states=self._states)
def __iter__(self): for x in self.voc: yield x
[docs] def remove_emojis(self): """Remove emojis""" from .dataset import Dataset data = Dataset() data.add(data.load_emojis()) # keys = [(k, [x for x in data.klass(k) if not x.isnumeric()]) for k in self] keys = [(k, [x for x in data.klass(k)]) for k in self] # keys = [(k, v) for k, v in keys if len(v) and v[0] != "#"] keys = [(k, v) for k, v in keys if len(v)] for k, v in keys: del self.voc[k]
[docs] def previous_day(self): """Previous day""" import datetime one_day = datetime.timedelta(days=1) r = - one_day _ = self.__class__(r, lang=self._lang, country=self._country, states=self._states) return _
def __len__(self): return len(self.voc) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.voc[key] def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.voc
[docs] def get(self, data, defaultvalue=0): """Frequency of data""" return self.voc.get(data, defaultvalue)
[docs] def items(self): """Items of :py:attr:`self.voc`""" return self.voc.items()
[docs] def remove(self, words: dict, bigrams=True) -> None: """ Remove the words from the current vocabulary :param words: Tokens """ if not bigrams: voc = self.voc for w in words: try: del voc[w] except Exception: continue return K = [] for k in self.voc: if k.count("~"): a, b = k.split("~") if a in words or b in words: K.append(k) if k in words: K.append(k) for k in K: del self.voc[k]
def histogram(self, min_elements: int=30, words: bool=False): group = defaultdict(list) [group[v].append(k) for k, v in self.voc.items() if words or k.count("~")] keys = list(group.keys()) keys.sort() lst = list() hist = OrderedDict() for k in keys: _ = group[k] if len(lst) + len(_) >= min_elements: hist[k] = lst + _ lst = list() continue lst += _ if len(lst): hist[k] = lst return hist
[docs] @staticmethod def available_dates(dates=List, n=int, countries=List, lang=str): """Retrieve the first n dates available for all the countries :param dates: List of dates :param n: Number of days :param countries: List of countries :lang lang: Language """ missing = Counter(countries) if countries != 'nogeo' else None rest = [] dates = dates[::-1] while len(dates) and (len(rest) < n or n == -1): day = dates.pop() flag = True iter = missing.most_common() if missing is not None else [[None, None]] for country, _ in iter: try: download_tokens(day, lang=lang, country=country if country is not None else 'nogeo') except Exception: flag = False if missing is not None: missing.update([country]) break if flag: rest.append(day) return rest
[docs]class Tokenize(object): """ Tokenize transforms a text into a sequence, where each number identifies a particular token; the q-grams that are not found in the text are ignored. >>> from text_models import Tokenize >>> tok = Tokenize().fit(["hi~mario", "mario"]) >>> tok.transform("good morning mario") [1] """ def __init__(self, tm_args: Dict[str, Any]=TM_ARGS): self._head = dict() self._vocabulary = dict() self._tag = "__end__" self._textmodel = TextModel(**tm_args) @property def vocabulary(self) -> Dict[str, int]: """Vocabulary used""" return self._vocabulary @property def textModel(self): """Text model, i.e., :py:class::`b4msa.text_model.TextModel` """ return self._textmodel @textModel.setter def textModel(self, v): self._textmodel = v
[docs] def fit(self, tokens: List[str]) -> 'Tokenize': """Train the tokenizer. :param tokens: Vocabulary as a list of tokens :type tokens: List[str] """ voc = self.vocabulary head = self._head tag = self._tag for word in tokens: if word in voc: continue current = head for char in word: try: current = current[char] except KeyError: _ = dict() current[char] = _ current = _ cnt = len(voc) voc[word] = cnt current[tag] = cnt return self
[docs] def transform(self, texts: Union[Iterable[str], str]) -> List[Union[List[int], int]]: """Transform the input into a sequence where each element represents a token in the vocabulary (i.e., :py:attr:`text_models.vocabulary.Tokenize.vocabulary`)""" func = self.textModel.text_transformations trans = self._transform if isinstance(texts, str): return trans(func(texts)) return [trans(func(x)) for x in texts]
def _transform(self, text: str) -> List[int]: L = [] i = 0 while i < len(text): wordid, pos = self.find(text, i=i) if wordid == -1: i += 1 continue i = pos L.append(wordid) return L def find(self, text: str, i: int=0) -> Tuple[int, int]: end = i head = self._head current = head tag = self._tag wordid = -1 while i < len(text): char = text[i] try: current = current[char] i += 1 try: wordid = current[tag] end = i except KeyError: pass except KeyError: break return wordid, end
[docs] def id2word(self, id: int) -> str: """Token associated with id :param id: Identifier :type id: int """ try: id2w = self._id2w except AttributeError: id2w = {v: k for k, v in self.vocabulary.items()} self._id2w = id2w return id2w[id]
[docs]class BagOfWords(SparseMatrix): """Bag of word model using TFIDF and :py:class:`text_models.vocabulary.Tokenize` :param tokens: Language (Ar|En|Es) or list of tokens :type tokens: [str|List] >>> from EvoMSA.tests.test_base import TWEETS >>> from microtc.utils import tweet_iterator >>> from text_models.vocabulary import BagOfWords >>> tw = list(tweet_iterator(TWEETS)) >>> BoW = BagOfWords().fit(tw) >>> BoW['hola mundo'] [(758, 0.7193757438600711), (887, 0.6946211479258095)] """ def __init__(self, tokens: Union[str, List[str]]="Es"): from microtc.utils import load_model from EvoMSA.utils import download tok = Tokenize() if isinstance(tokens, list): xx = tokens else: textModel = load_model(download("" % tokens)) xx = list(textModel.model.word2id.keys()) tok.textModel = textModel f = lambda cdn: "~".join([x for x in cdn.split("~") if len(x)])[f(k) for k in xx if k.count("~") and k[:2] != "q:"])[f(k) for k in xx if k.count("~") == 0 and k[:2] != "q:"]) qgrams = [f(k[2:]) for k in xx if k[:2] == "q:"][x for x in qgrams if x.count("~") == 0 if len(x) >=2]) self._tokenize = tok self._text = "text" @property def tokenize(self) -> Tokenize: """ :py:class:`text_models.vocabulary.Tokenize` instance """ return self._tokenize
[docs] def fit(self, X: List[Union[str, dict]]) -> 'BagOfWords': """ Train the Bag of words model""" from microtc.utils import Counter cnt = Counter() tokens = self.tokenize.transform([x for x in X]) [cnt.update(x) for x in tokens] self._tfidf = TFIDF.counter(cnt) return self
@property def tfidf(self)->TFIDF: return self._tfidf
[docs] def id2word(self, id: int) -> str: """Token associated with id :param id: Identifier :type id: int """ try: w_id2w = self._w_id2w except AttributeError: self._w_id2w = {v: k for k, v in self.tfidf.word2id.items()} w_id2w = self._w_id2w id = w_id2w[id] return self.tokenize.id2word(id)
@property def num_terms(self): return len(self.tokenize.vocabulary) # def _transform(self, data: List[str]) -> List[Tuple[int, float]]: # """Transform a list of text to a Bag of Words using TFIDF""" # data = self.tokenize.transform(data) # tfidf = self.tfidf # return [tfidf[x] for x in data]
[docs] def transform(self, data: List[str]) -> csr_matrix: """Transform a list of text to a Bag of Words using TFIDF""" getitem = self.__getitem__ return self.tonp([getitem(x) for x in data])
def __getitem__(self, data: str): if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): tokens = [] for txt in data: _ = self.tokenize.transform(txt) tokens.extend(_) else: tokens = self.tokenize.transform(data) return self.tfidf[tokens]
[docs]class TopicDetection(object): """ TopicDetection Class is used to visualize the topics of interest for a specified date based on the tweets from Twitter for that day :param date: Date provided in format dict(year=yyyy, month=mm, day=dd) :param lang: Language (Ar, En, or Es) :type lang: str :param country: Two letter country code :type country: str """ def __init__(self, date, lang: str="En", country: str="US", window: int=2): self._window = window = handle_day(date) self._lang = lang self._country = country self._voc = Vocabulary(date, lang=self._lang, country=self._country) self._prev_date = self.similar_date() self._prev_voc = Vocabulary(self._prev_date, lang=self._lang, country=self._country) @property def window(self): return self._window @property def prev_date(self): return self._prev_date @property def voc(self): return self._voc @voc.setter def voc(self, new_voc): if not isinstance(new_voc, dict()): return self._voc = new_voc @property def prev_voc(self): return self._prev_voc
[docs] def similar_date(self): """ Use cosine similarity to return the most similar date from around the same date in the previous year. """ from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity from datetime import timedelta import numpy as np date = voc = self._voc # Get vocabulary of previous dates prev_voc = [] w = self.window prev_days = date_range(date - timedelta(days=w), date + timedelta(days=w + 1)) for day in prev_days: _ = dict(year=day.year - 1, month=day.month, prev_voc.append(Vocabulary(_, lang=self._lang, country=self._country)) # Create a set containing all unique words in vocabulary words = set() for word in voc: words.update([word]) for word in prev_voc: words.update(word) # Map all unique words to an id w2id = {word: index for index, word in enumerate(words)} # Use mapping to create vectors for the vocabulary of day of interest vec = np.zeros(len(w2id)) for word, num in voc.items(): vec[w2id[word]] = num # Use mapping to create a matrix containing the vectors for the vocabulary # of all previous dates vec_matrix = np.zeros((len(prev_voc), len(w2id))) for day, voc in enumerate(prev_voc): for word, num in voc.items(): vec_matrix[day, w2id[word]] = num # Find the most similar day from the year before cs_matrix = cosine_similarity(np.atleast_2d(vec), vec_matrix) prev_day = prev_days[cs_matrix[0].argmax()] return dict(year=prev_day.year-1, month=prev_day.month,
[docs] def topic_wordcloud(self, figname: str="wordcloud"): """ Uses WordCloud library to display the topic Use Laplace Smoothing and compare the vocabs from the date of interest with vocab from the date of the year before """ from wordcloud import WordCloud as WC import matplotlib.pyplot as plt prev_yr_voc = self._prev_voc prev_day_voc = self._voc.previous_day() prev_yr_voc.voc.update(prev_day_voc) self._voc = self.laplace_smoothing(self._voc, prev_yr_voc) # Create wordcloud wc = WC().generate_from_frequencies(self._voc) plt.imshow(wc) plt.axis('off') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(figname)
[docs] @staticmethod def probability(voc) -> dict(): """ Calculate the probability of each word appearing in vocab """ N = sum(list(voc.values())) prob = {k: v / N for k, v in voc.items()} return prob
[docs] @staticmethod def laplace_smoothing(voc1, voc2) -> dict(): """ Uses Laplace smoothing to handle words that appear in voc1 but not in voc2 """ voc1_prob = TopicDetection.probability(voc1.voc) voc2_prob = TopicDetection.probability(voc2.voc) N = sum(list(voc2.voc.values())) V = len(voc2.items()) prob = 1 / (N + V) updated_voc = dict() for word, freq in voc1_prob.items(): if word in voc2_prob: updated_voc[word] = freq / voc2_prob[word] else: updated_voc[word] = freq / prob return updated_voc